Ain’t Got that Lovin’ Peelin

As any of you that have read me knows, back around the first of the year, I decided to try my hand in the kitchen.  I had for some time performed the role of prep chef.  All the chopping and peeling was my domain.  But, in an effort to man up, I started fully preparing one meal a week.  I’ll have to say most of the results were tolerable and all were edible, so I was encouraged.  Since that time, I have lost my wife and am now the head chef.  If I am going to eat, it’s up to me to prepare it, and I’m kind of OK with that.  I must say I am a little intimidated, but am muddling through.

Most of my adult life, I have owned and used power tools. Drills, saws, grinders, etc, and have with few exceptions escaped injury.  As such, I feel quite comfortable with tools in general.  However, since I have begun honing my culinary skills, I have been confronted with a simple looking utensil  that, not unlike a scorpion , has proved to be much more dangerous then it appears.  I refer to the common, run of the mill potato peeler.  Actually, my new potato peeler.  Yes, after complaining about the old one for longer the I can remember, I stepped up and invested in a new one.  Over several years of peeling potatoes and carrots, etc. the old one had become, how do you say, marginal.  The philosophy had always been that I was left handed and she was right handed, so we of course were using opposite sides of the blade.  It should last forever.  That is until I realized that I always peeled everything away from me and she peeled everything toward her, completely destroying the theory.

Several months ago, I noticed a brand new, bright red peeler had appeared in the kitchen drawer.  Although I had not been consulted prior to the purchase, I assumed she had finally succumbed to my perpetual grumbling and bought a new one.  I assumed wrong.  I had no longer picked it up when I was informed that what I had in my hand was not a vegetable peeler at all. It was a fruit peeler.  Well, you could have fooled me.  It sure looked like a potato peeler.  It turns out it has a serrated blade designed to remove the skin from soft fruit like peaches and tomatoes (yes, tomatoes are fruit) and is super sharp.  So I mumbled something about ‘it wouldn’t have a potato eyer if it is only for fruit’ and put it back in the drawer. 

But I digress.  When I bought the new peeler, I was of course anxious to try it out.  It had to be sharper then the old one, and boy is it.  It should have included a warning that it could be hazardous to your health.  In four outings, I have peeled a spot on two fingers and left a slice in a thumbnail.  In a way, I’m kind of glad she isn’t here to see it.  I can hear her now.  “And you wondered why I never let you to get a chain saw”.  

So here’s the deal.  I never thought that cooks were an endangered species, but I am slowly developing a healthy respect for the profession.  I now enter my kitchen with some trepidation and, whenever I open the drawer and see it sitting there, taunting me, a little shiver runs through me.  It is no longer an experience but instead a challenge.  I have even considered placing a notch on the handle for every successful encounter.  

The other day I ordered a new cheese grater.  Now I’m afraid to open the box. Just sayin’.

About oldmainer

I am a retired manager living in Southern Maine and a would be writer of poetry, narratives, short stories, and random opinions, and that's how Oldmainer was born. Recently, I decided to try an experiment. I added photography to the mix, using only a cheap cell phone with a limited camera and the editing software that came with it, and added the blog site Inklings at to showcase the results. So, feel free to use whatever you find interesting or worthy, but please honor the terms of my copyright when and if you do. They may not be much, but they are still a piece of me. I appreciate your checking me out and hope that you find something that will encourage a return visit. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Ain’t Got that Lovin’ Peelin

  1. I have grated a few knuckles in my time. Good luck in your continuing kitchen adventures-


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