Kramer’s Korner

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Greetings again to all my fans. Kramer here with another installment of life in the fast lane. Well, maybe not the real fast lane. But I can run faster then Bob, and I might add, a lot farther.

So, do you notice anything different? Yup, you got it. The infamous coat. It took a while, but I think Bob finally has figured out the Velcro thing so I don’t freeze my whatever off. We did have one mishap last week when he taped up one leg on the wrong side of the strap. Very uncomfortable to walk so, I didn’t. I just kept sitting down. Since I enjoy and prefer the sitting position under normal circumstances, Bob assumed that I was just being, well, Kramer. But when it became obvious that he was going to have to take me for a drag, he picked me up and carried me home. That’s when he discovered the problem. Sometimes, I worry about him , but I will give him this. After he walked Sophie, he put the coat back on, the right way, and took me for another walk without issue. A nice gesture, but it will give you some idea what I put up with. He means well but sometimes he’s a little slow.


Bob showed me a picture of a kitten that he saw at the Humane Society the other day. Why he would show me that is beyond me. In an earlier life, I lived with four cats and it was no picnic. Oh, they were nice enough, but man, they sure thought they owned the place. I’ll have to admit, as kittens go, I thought this one was kind of cute. Or maybe different is a better word. I wasn’t sure if I was looking at a cat or a raccoon. However, the thing I liked the most is that he doesn’t plan on bringing it home. With any luck, by the time he goes back next week, it will have been adopted. Sometimes you really shouldn’t give Bob a second chance. He’s not easy, but he can be had if you know what I mean.

The other day, Bob got a package in the mail from the Pharmacy where he fills his prescriptions as a thank you for his business. In it, among other things, was a bright yellow rubber ball. Bob said it was a stress ball that you are supposed to squeeze to relieve stress. He looked a me and said he would need more then one. I don’t know what he was implying. Anyway, he gave it to me. I wasn’t sure I cared at first, but once he started helping me play with it, it became a lot more fun. And, anything that will get him out of his chair and exercising a bit, I am happy to embrace. Support the cause so to speak.

It definitely looks like Winter is on it’s way. Have had some mornings in the twenties, and we got a light dusting of snow last Wednesday. Thanksgiving day brought freezing rain. It is coming a little late this year. By this time last year, Bob had already fallen in the snow and fractured an ankle. I didn’t know him then, but it sounds about right. I saw a little snow last year, but didn’t remember much about it beyond having cold feet. Did you know you can eat that stuff? Like a cold drink of water that you dissolve in your mouth. I’m kind of looking forward to this whole winter thing if we can keep Bob upright. We have a fireplace and Bob likes to curl up and read, and I like to help him with the curling up part. Yup, it could be a very nice Winter.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We did. Bob and Sophie and I stayed home and just chilled out. Bob bought a small turkey breast and did it in his air fryer. He also had some cranberry sauce, cornbread stuffing, gravy, pumpkin, and he baked a mincemeat pie. Sophie and I didn’t get to see much of any of that, but he did give us some turkey and gravy mixed into our food bowl. I’ll have to say it wasn’t half bad.

Well, I guess I should wrap this up. Blogging can be very tiring and deadlines are the pits. I guess I’ll go get my stress ball and take a nap. Til next time, this is your old pal Kramer saying keep a smile on your face and a treat in your pocket. And to my homeless friends, keep the faith. There is a family for you.

Take Care


About oldmainer

I am a retired manager living in Southern Maine and a would be writer of poetry, narratives, short stories, and random opinions, and that's how Oldmainer was born. Recently, I decided to try an experiment. I added photography to the mix, using only a cheap cell phone with a limited camera and the editing software that came with it, and added the blog site Inklings at to showcase the results. So, feel free to use whatever you find interesting or worthy, but please honor the terms of my copyright when and if you do. They may not be much, but they are still a piece of me. I appreciate your checking me out and hope that you find something that will encourage a return visit. Thanks for stopping by.
This entry was posted in Dogs, Family, Friendship, Home, Humor, Life, Perspective, Pets, Reflection, Relationships, strays. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Kramer’s Korner

  1. Paul Hardesty says:

    Glad to see you have on UK blue and white outfit. Looks really good. LOL


  2. quiall says:

    You are looking very dapper Kramer! You’re doing a good job with Bob and I think it’s probably kind of nice to have him around. Take care of him.


  3. Oh, good. You’re getting a cat.


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